The Wedding Trends Ending in 2022

All good things must come to an end. That’s the whole point of trends. The actual definition of a “trend” is “a general direction in which something is developing or changing.” With so many brides having more than one wedding in a year (um, thanks, Covid?), we are seeing lots of changes to wedding trends.

We want to be super clear. We are not saying that any of these trends or traditions are bad or shouldn’t be done. We are incredibly firm believers in doing whatever the hell you want because it’s your wedding day! We always encourage couples to think outside of the box and create an experience all their own. This means if you’re having one or more of the experiences below on your wedding day, that’s awesome. It’s your day. Don’t let a trend dictate what you do or don’t do on your wedding day. We’re just here to let you know what wedding trends we’ve been noticing are on their way out.


We used to constantly be asked for creative hashtags for our couples’ wedding day, so they had an album of photos to look back on for the ‘gram. We think this is going away because one, people often don’t use the hashtag, making them pointless, and two, there are apps out there that allow your guests to easily compile the images for you! There are endless ways to get these photos and not rely on someone to correctly spell and remember to use a hashtag on the wedding day. So, now you can finally stop trying to figure out a witty way to rhyme Smith with Miller and focus on more important things like what the hell you are going to use for a guestbook.

Greenery and flower walls

Yep, I said it. Your beloved greenery and flower walls are getting kicked to the curb. Don’t worry. You’ll still be able to enjoy them through the 2021 to early 2022 season since all the couples and venues already purchased them. But late 2022 into 2023, get ready for Chiara arched backdrops that are the perfect multi-dimensional backdrop and photo op spot. When you see it at a wedding next year, take a picture and tag us because trust us, you are going to see it a lot.



There’s a reason why we brought them up. Now, we aren’t saying guestbooks are going away completely. However, they are getting more creative. Gone is the actual book. Say hello to puzzle pieces, photo tiles that combine to form a larger photo, and illustrations on canvas. Get creative with your guestbook! Are you a snowboarding couple? Get a snowboard for guests to sign! Do you love wine? How about a wooden wine box? You can even have your guests write down marriage advice and drop it in the box! Think about what makes sense for you as a couple.

Bouquet and garter toss

Why is this one of the wedding trends going away? Well, our couples just want to dance! They don’t want anything to take away from the dancing during the evening, and we are all for it! While some would love to see their quirky partner put on a show and get the garter from under the dress for some laughs, others would rather skip the awkward moment of having their partner’s head up their dress.

First looks

Okay, give me a second to explain myself here. I don’t believe first looks are going away completely. I do see them changing though. No more tapping your partner on the shoulder and making the “shh” sign. First looks are changing and changing fast. So many are happening at the ceremony altar. Some first looks are the groom walking up to the bride (get it, girl!). Others are skipping the first “look” and doing a “first touch” instead. We particularly love the tear worthy examples.


Wedding trends aren’t hard and fast rules. It’s all about what you want as a couple on your big day. It’s important that you do whatever you feel is right. We’re all about couples picking what they want to do and helping them carry out that amazing vision in their heads. We’d love to be there for you and help you create the best possible day. Reach out to us, so we can set up a time to chat!


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