How to Adapt to Venue Renovations

No one ever really expects the wedding venue they’ve booked to undergo renovations…especially after they’ve already booked it. Still, it happens all the time, and if it does you and your partner will have to know how to adapt. But we’ve got you covered! Here’s what to do and how to deal when you’re blindsided by venue renovations.


How It Starts

You fall head over heels in love with your venue and book it without a second thought. Then, you immediately begin firing up your Pinterest boards, booking your florist, and planning out the vibe of your day. Before long, you’ve determined your aesthetic and planned your wedding party attire, tablescapes, and more around it.

How It’s Going

One to two years later, prior to your wedding date, your venue undergoes renovations. Suddenly, it doesn’t fit your vibe anymore. You’re frustrated, you feel bait and switched, and you fear that you’re going to have to scrap your plans and completely restart the planning process.

The Situation

The reality is that a wedding venue will constantly undergo aesthetic transformations and updates, in order to keep up with current trends and look modern. This is a good thing! Because many wedding dates are booked one to three years in advance, couples can’t expect a venue not to undergo any updates before they’ve gotten married there. If it didn’t, it would look outdated to new potential clients—which isn’t fair either.


The Solution

Have a conversation with the people at your venue and express your concern. While they won’t stop renovations just because of one concerned couple, they may clue you in on the updates still to come. It’s very possible that these will fit your vibe and tie everything together!

In regard to aesthetics, ask if they’re planning to update their linen and napkin color choices. Many times this detail can completely alter the feel of a room, and you can use this to your advantage. In addition, your florist should be able to easily adapt to any changes you need, whether it’s a tweak to your color palette or swapping out the vessels that will hold your flowers. Either way, you won’t have to do a complete overhaul of your planning.

Did your venue make some bold changes? Then go neutral with your own color palette and decorations. Allow the venue to speak for itself, and use what you’ve brought in to complement the space. Conversely, did they take away some of the grand details you loved? Then go bigger with your centerpieces. You can also chat with your florist about placing some oversized installations in focus areas to create an air of drama.

Sweetheart table wedding decor

Happy Ending

No one loves a surprise while wedding planning. However, it’s important to understand that your venue and vendors must upgrade in order to stay relevant, updated, and on top of whatever’s going on in the industry. In fact, because the wedding industry changes so dramatically every couple of months, we recommend not finalizing the vibe of your wedding until six to eight months prior to the day. Be honest: do you really love the same things aesthetically that you did two years ago? Probably not. So, rather than forcing yourself to make multiple design changes, wait it out. Plus, this will help you to save money by not making unnecessary purchases too far in advance of the wedding day!

At the end of the day, you’re getting married to the person you love most in the world, and no surprise venue renovations can mess with that. Before anything else, you’re going to remember how you felt that day, your vows to one another, and partying it up with your VIPs—not the type of chairs at the table or the kind of flooring in the room.

Feeling overwhelmed by the wedding planning process? Allow us to take that burden off your shoulders. Just leave us a quick message and we’ll schedule a call with you ASAP so that you can learn more about our services and be relieved of your stress in no time. We can’t wait to hear from you!


Aesthetic Sabotage

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