Wedding Trends and Traditions on Their Way Out

As wedding planners, we’ve noticed that our 2022 couples are forgoing certain wedding trends and traditions. Not only that, but they’re skipping them because their friends did too! And we can’t lie—some of these traditions have been on the outs for a while, and we aren’t sad to see them go.

With that being said, your wedding should look however you and your partner want it to! Whether that means going the traditional route or creating your own trends, we’re here for it. But, if you’re interested in where the industry is headed (and what we’re leaving behind), read on!

Formal Cake Cutting

Gone are the days of choosing a cake-cutting song, dragging all of your guests onto the dance floor, and forcing them to witness the first cut. These days, couples are opting to cut their cakes unannounced and off to the side with their photographer. Don’t worry, cake-smashing enthusiasts: it’s still being done, just not in a way that interrupts the flow of the dance floor!

Saving the Top Tier of the Cake

Couples are no longer waiting a year to enjoy a freezer-burned version of the top tier of their cake (why did any of us ever do this?!). Instead, they’re enjoying it on the night of their wedding or the morning after while it’s still fresh!

Garter & Bouquet Tosses

We’ve gotta say, we’re ready to wave these ones goodbye! Today’s couples are opting to avoid the uncomfortable and sometimes painfully awkward interactions that usually accompany these wedding traditions. Instead, they’re soaking up every moment dancing with their VIPs!

Wedding Party Entrances

Many of our couples are choosing to enter their receptions by themselves as newly married folk, without forcing their wedding party into a grand entrance as well. We love it! Gone are the days of two people who barely know each other trying to think up a cool dance or exchanging outfits at the last minute. The introverts in your wedding party will thank you!

Alternatively, some are having their entire wedding party introduced as one big group (I did this at my wedding and I’m so happy I did!). This way, you can still acknowledge your VIPs but eliminate the stress of a whole song and dance.

Ceremony Procession Pairs

Many are having their wedding party walk down the aisle one by one instead of in pairs, which we love! Then, rather than having them stand for the duration of the ceremony, they’re reserving the second row for them to sit (while the first row is reserved for parents, siblings, and grandparents). We’re big fans of this because all of your ceremony photos will be focused on you and your partner! Plus, your VIPs don’t need to stand next to you to support you. Instead, they can be comfy in the best seats in the house!

Who Walks Who Down the Aisle

Traditionally, the last person to walk down the aisle is accompanied by their father and/or mother. Now, many of our couples are choosing to walk themselves down, or to have their children or a sibling escort them! The bottom line: this is YOUR moment, so if you’re in a non-traditional situation, own it!

Navigating the waters of wedding planning can be stressful. That’s why we want to do the hard work for you! Weddings with Verve is a team of experienced industry professionals ready to bring your vision to life. We’ll take it from here!


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